Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Homemade Doggie Treats--Keep in Freezer!

 These  are not super recipe specific, in fact I don't think I used even a measuring cup for any of this. I realize that this will make the recipe semi- hard to follow so I'm adding lots of pictures to get you through it.

Don't Panic--every batch of these that I made have come out great and my dogs drool over them every time!



Here is a good time for my disclaimer: I am not a vet, I am not an animal expert, your pet may have allergies to some of these ingredients and your pet may get diarrhea from these--its a new food and it could happen! Before you try this recipe or add in other ingredients to "switch it up a bit"--research it and make sure it's not going to poisonous for your pet!

But listed above are the ingredients that I used:
  • CREAMY peanut butter
  • Rolled Oats-can be quick or not, just plain and no added ingredients to them!
  • Whole Wheat Flour
  • Flax seed meal
  • Bananas-I wait to make these until my bananas are a little brown, but you could also use them perfectly yellow as well. I just like using recipes like this instead of throwing them out :)
  • Egg
  • Chopped up carrots (or sweet potatoes) I like cutting up a whole bunch and then freezing them, this way when my bananas are ready for this recipe and I just pull them out and use them

 So for this batch I used 3 bananas and smashed them up really good like in the picture below...
 Next comes the Flaxseed meal...this isn't precise so this is a palm of it, it could PROBABLY equal out to be about a 1 tablespoon-2 tablespoons worth

 This is my frozen bag of carrots, I also do the same thing with sweet potatoes (which the puppies also love!)
 Again, not exact..just use a hand full. You can also chop these up a lot finer than I did, I just did a quick chop chop on some baby carrots
 I added an egg at this point then used about a 1/4 cup of creamy peanut butter, or just about this much
 Next is the rolled oats, again about a handful.  The picture on the middle below is all of the ingredients except for the flour....

 So here is the tricky part....cover all of the listed above ingredients with flour :) That's pretty exact and to the point huh. Don't got this!!

 So I like mixing things with my hands, but this gets a little sticky so I throw on one of my medical gloves I keep in the kitchen at all times (comes in handy when I have to cut things like jalapenos!)
 See what I mean.....STICKY!!!! So here is where you keep adding more flour until it looks like the picture below or when you can stick your finger in it and it isn't sticky anymore.

 Now take it out and roll it so it's about 1/4"-1/2" thick with a rolling pin. I splurged one day and bought some actual doggie biscuit cookie cutters. Here is what they will look like.
If you don't have these, you know those Christmas cookie cutters you only use once a year....ya, go get em and they will be PERFECT for this! Trust me, your beloved pet won't care.
If you don't have a cookie cutter, get one of our cups (the ones you drink out of) turn it around and use it as a round cut out :)

 Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha I totally tricked you into looking at my adorable puppies with this recipe! :) The left is Bella and the right is Harley (my spoiled babies both waiting for treats!)

Ok now that you have cut out all of your dough, SPRAY a pan with PAM. Then put on your treats, they can be pretty close because they don't expand!

 Bake at 350 for about 10-15 minutes....or until you turn them upside down and they are light brown.

LET THEM COOL before you put them in a jar, this is a LARGE pickle jar that I re-purposed for my treats and this is 1 batch of this recipe. Makes a bunch and SO much cheaper than buying treats at the store and you know EXACTLY what goes in it. :)

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